Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who's the Real Killer?

Our forefathers once established great articles that weren’t only created as documents, but what have now evolved into America’s backbone. As amendments like the right to bear arms, have withstood the test of time, it has also withstood great controversy. As you look through time you see different regions forfeiting this right, because only their freedom is swept out from under them but their dignity and pride. These are all qualities our country was established on. Today we observe countries experiencing predicaments and power struggles, as individuals are not able to maintain the same safety. The view on gun control and its effect on our world vary from person to person. One might conclude that rather than government control, it is ownership that is necessary and crucial when defending oneself, or others, and truncating the amount of murders.
George Washington once declared that the United States should never establish permanent allies or have a standing army. Now today more than ever each country has some form of an ally. Former President Eisenhower feared the U.S. Defense department was gaining too many powers, causing this department to become more concerned with the economic aspect then actually defending our country. And lastly authors of the Bill of Rights once said that each man should have the right to own a gun as seen in the second amendment. Each of these men listed have something in common, and that is, that they made those statements based on the knowledge from previous experiences. Our fore fathers realized the government should not be given more power than necessary which is why we have a democracy. Their requests and advice are continuously being ignored, and moved to the backburner, causing things to truly heat up. The amendments were created to give us permanent rights, and freedoms and now people want to take them away?                            
With all powerful tools, there is a risk factor that goes along with owning or using something that has the ability to kill. Some are pro gun control because they feel guns are very dangerous, which they are, and especially can be when put into the wrong hands. But didn’t back thousands of years ago Indians use a slice of flint and a stick to kill not only other rival tribes, but animals as big as the fierce and beast-like buffalo? And even in recent years you find people have used knifes, clubs, garage tools all for murder weapons. Some also say that guns can fire at the wrong time creating dangerous situations. However, you find that cars, boats, and planes, can all malfunction and cause massive perplexities. Another major topic that people use as an argument is that once guns are taken away the crime rate and murder rate will drop. But Australia and England have found the results to be the exact opposite of what was expected as the crime and murder rates actually stayed the same or grew because people didn’t have the proper self defense tools, and criminals knew that.                                                                           
Aspects of society will always change but the question is whether they’re for better or worse. In my opinion, gun control is not the answer to the problem because our government would be in control, which is not the kind of foundation our country was built on. The word “gun” shouldn’t automatically give people a negative connotation because it doesn’t only keep the crime rate down, it’s a way of protection, and there are few deaths that are actually caused from firearms. The punishment for misuse of these firearms needs to be more effective. People will always find a way to hurt each other if the punishments are not more of a deterrent. All individuals seeking ownership of a gun should have to take a mandatory gun safety class before they purchase one. Every owner of a gun should also own a lock and key to keep the guns away from children. Guns aren’t the killer; it’s the people that are in control of these tools that make them into lethal weapons.


  1. In her latest post, Ms. Hausmann dissected the ongoing gun-control problems that have plagued our country and other parts of the world, making points on the founding fathers and how we have interpreted the amendment stating that we have the “right to bear arms”, which she describes as being a part of “America’s Backbone”. Although most of Hausmann’s post was unbiased, it did seem that she was in favor of guns being available to the public after the appropriate measures are taken, as opposed to guns being controlled by the government. Towards the end of her argument, she states that “The amendments were created to give us permanent rights and freedoms, and now people want to take them away?” As I said before, Hausmann is somewhat biased towards guns being available to the public, but she also raises an excellent point; in any other instance, we would just love to say that our constitution is the absolute source of authority in the country. However, when the government feels that something doesn’t need to be brought before the eyes of the constitution, it will stay obscure, as the gun-control problem has. Hausmann brings up another strong argument (in my opinion) for guns to be available to the public; although guns are indeed dangerous, guns themselves don’t kill people, people kill people. Hausmann also argues that making guns inaccessible to the public will only cause more deaths than before; without other means to defend against criminals and muggers, innocents will be unable to protect themselves.
    I think that although her post included some biased views on gun-control, it also made a strong case for her views with facts, showing that Ms. Hausmann can defend her views with facts instead of personal experiences or supposed facts.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ms. Hausmann is absolutely right, first of all, people kill people, guns are just another tool that is used. I fear that gun control is another one of those slippery slopes that if it is done it will cause another civil war. We use the second amendment to argue that we should be allowed to own guns to protect ourselves and our property. I also believe that the best way to keep everyone safe is for each individual have the right to have a gun if they feel they need it. But on the other hand I think that the individual should be trained on how to use that weapon safely. Absolutely under no circumstances should a gun be accessible to a child.
    George Washington knew that if we had a standing army that it would become a force to be reckoned with, which is exactly what happened. It seems that these days that the military is running the show, which is scary. We each individually have a reason that we want to own a gun, like protection from people intruding on your property, others for less respectable reasons like gang activity.
    Ms. Hausmann is correct again when she says that we shouldn’t give the government more power than is necessary, but then again we didn’t really have a say so in that part. They are slowly but surely taking freedoms away which makes this government feel more like a monarchy instead of a democracy. The more that the government takes away the more people are going to rebel against them. Another revolution is on the horizon if the government keeps pushing its citizens to extremes.
    Guns are not the only thing that people kill with just watch a show like CSI and they have great imaginations on ways to kill people. But for some reason the government has zeroed in on guns as the first line of attack. But what they are hoping and what is actually going to happen are 2 completely different things, just like Ms. Hausmann said look at Australia and England.
    If guns are taken away from law abiding citizens, then only criminally can you obtain a weapon. Criminals will use this to their advantage to subdue the population and take everything over. By killing innocent people for what they have.
    Just think about what could happen that is enough to make your skin crawl….

  4. I wholeheartedly agree with Ms. Hausmann's stance on guns and the government's legislation about them. She is absolutely right in saying that "guns aren’t the killer; it’s the people that are in control of these tools that make them into lethal weapons." She also makes the excellent point that even if guns were somehow removed from society, I could just as easily kill someone with a car. In fact, I would wager that the number of motor vehicle fatalities is greater that those caused by firearms.

    There are risks in almost every aspect of life. The issue with guns, as Ms. Hausmann mentioned, can be handled by creating and enforcing proper punishments for the misuse of a firearm. I also agree with her idea that everyone should go through a mandatory gun safety course and be trained on how to use THEIR particular gun, safely. Many people are worried about children getting a hold of guns, and children's deaths because of a poorly stored firearm are tragic. However this goes back to the motor vehicle example, children die in collisions, but still ride in cars. It is the parents responsibility to protect their child and this responsibility extends as much to locking and storing their gun correctly as it does to making sure their child wears a seat belt.

    Guns are great tools for self defense and recreation. The key to maintaining a safe society is making sure those who misuse the privilege of gun ownership are punished accordingly, not making laws that restrict the citizens who know what they're doing with their gun.

    I believe Ms. Hausmann did an excellent job of stating her case in support of gun ownership and citing examples of why she felt this way. Her examples were clear and her article was enjoyable and well thought out.
