Sunday, November 7, 2010

Commentary on "My proposal for a new government"

In the commentary, "My proposal for a new government" Mrs. Dickerson offers her view on the United States Government and the "problems plaguing the nation." She outlines her main issues with the government that I suspect are similar to countless Americans, myself included. Some of these issues include how our economy is deplorable, our government is greed-driven and that we are dealing with matters that aren't necessarily important at this point in time. She does a great job embodying the frustrations of Americans and suggesting some solutions that she feels would help.

Some of Mrs. Dickerson's proposals to help fix the fradulent ways of our government I feel could be beneficial. For one, I agree with the notion that the amount of total terms someone is in office should be limited. This would guarantee that no one person would be in office for too long of time. It also allows for more people to have a chance to help lead our nation. On the otherhand, I feel it is an unrealistic expectation for us to "kick them all out" (them being Congress.) If we were to institute this we would be getting rid of all the experience and would still expect to get things accomplished. I also feel although it states an interesting point, it is not the most credible commentary because there are no outside sources for the factual type of writing.

There is no doubt in my mind that corruption is widely present in our government and money has a large part to do with that. The question is whether taking away the perks and lowering the income they recieve will positively affect it. I fear that once you take those (legal) perks away, few will want to take on those roles. And the salary that she suggests they receive ($100,000) is quite small leaving few factors that would incline people to run. Mrs. Dickerson makes many valid points about where our government is lacking and where we could improve. I enjoyed reading it and seeing her input on something so pertinent in our lives.

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