Tuesday, September 14, 2010

America the Brave?

     According to Paul Krugman author of, "China, Japan, America," Japan has confonted China in an effort to halt their manipulation of trade. Krugman explains how this is a typical characteristic of China that we have grown accustomed to because of our fear that they will cease to buy bonds (which Krugman says are not that essential.) By keeping their currency weak and creating a trade surplus, China  has negatively affected other nations. The U.S. has tried convincing China that a stronger currency would benefit them, but China has found a weak currency is actually good for some of their companies. Although they have tried to resolve this issue, the U.S. has been rather unsuccessful  because they are too intimidated, and assume that China will sabotage their companies and the dollar will fall. The irony of it Krugman says, is that it would actually help competition in our economy. I have heard a lot about China becoming the next economic superpower so it is interesting to read an article about some of the tactics they are using against countries. Because China's economy directly affects ours and our government, I think it is very important to stay informed with what they are doing.

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